Is the BNP a Racist and Prejudice Party? Lets Ask!
Fresh from their two seat, five figure funded win at the European Parliament last year the BNP have embarked on a crusade to clean up their image in order to appeal to the mass electorate. With over 54 councillors around the country and a membership pushing 18,000, their supporters have deigned them the "peoples party". The truth is, the masses have yet to engage with the BNP in a way as to understand the party and its ideology. In regards to online extremism the BNP is incredibly active with countless forums and online campaigns (Their recent "Cool to be White" t-shirt campagin has split opinion intensly in online forums)
Why do people keep joining up? Does the BNP have anything else to offer other than hate speech and racially charged sound bites?
Lets ask them!
This is what i asked official spokesperson and editor of the BNP party website Michael Woods. Please tell me what you think? What about this interview made you angry? Was it insightful? What would have you asked?
Interview is Below:
1-What are the core principles of the British National Party?
The core principles of the British National Party are Freedom, Security, Identity and Democracy (FSID)
2-If the party wasn't faced with legal action from the Equality and Human Rights Commission do you believe the BNP would have changed its entrance policy to allow non whites into the party?
Yes, because the party leadership attempted to change our constitution as far back as 2004, before any such legal action was threatened. The politically immature members scuppered the proposed amendments at that time.
This move was designed to destroy us, the EHRC has taken onboard too much propaganda regarding our membership. They imagined that the party would split down the middle, or completely reject the amendments which would have forced the party to fight in court and eventually face bankruptcy. The EHRC were shocked to find that, far from rejecting the idea of ethnic minority members outright, the majority of the membership actually welcomed the move. Not only did their bungling gift us with masses of publicity, but also boosted our membership to more than 18,000.
3-What expectations/attributes would there be on a non-white member if they joined the party?
We now have non-white members. They have settled into party activism without any trouble at all. I expect that patriotic Asian or Black members wouldn’t demand special treatment, or segregation into satellite organisations, similar to the type run by the Tories and Labour. In the BNP it is accepted that you are a British Nationalist, your politics comes before your ethnicity, gender and sexuality.
Unlike the old parties, the BNP does not wish to exploit ‘token’ ethnic minorities. We want you to join us because you believe in our policies and mission.
4- Associations with pro life groups such as "Life League" and "Youth Defence" have dictated the public's perception of the BNP's policies. Does the party plan on actually changing abortion legislation in the UK?
To my knowledge, no official pledge has been given to amend abortion legislation. However, the party is broadly pro-life.
5- How would the BNP's policies aid us into economic recovery?
We would save more than £100 billion pounds per year by leaving the European Union. When we have a debt approaching £1.4 Trillion, it’s time to start making repayments and you can only make repayments by raising taxes, or cutting services. We would cut parts of the unproductive public sector, such as the whole tax-payer funded industries that have sprung up during Labour’s tenure. The savings add up.
6-Many people believe that your party is inherently racist and prejudice, what would you say to them?
This belief has some historical basis. In the past, extremist members of the party have given credence to this accusation because of their activities. Thankfully, under the leadership of Nick Griffin, the party has managed to purge political extremists. We have not merely hidden these people in the background, unlike Lib/Lab/Con; we have cut all ties with organisations which may harbour such people.
Today, the majority of our membership is composed of former Labour and Conservative voters. In reality, our members are normal mainstream members of society (albeit patriotic) just like yourself. They ‘want something done’ about immigration, the health service, education and jobs. These are hardly the subjects of interest to Neo-Nazis.
Further, the party now accepts members from all ethnic groups. This move was overwhelmingly supported by the party membership, 98.7% of whom voted yes to the amendment. As a result, the party now counts patriotic British Blacks and Asians amongst the membership.
Never forget, the Labour and Conservative parties of the past would also be deemed racist by today’s standards. Is it fair to maintain that belief in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. The BNP only asks for the same consideration and ‘fair play’ that other legal, democratic political parties receive, and no more.
7-Do you think the main stream media has reported the BNP's politics and policies accurately?
The MSM are incapable of reporting our politics and policies accurately because the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) forbids their members to report on the party in an impartial manner. However, since the election of two BNP MEPs there are a growing number of fair and balanced articles appearing.
8-What do you believe are the key factors in the BNP's recent success at the EU elections?
Party Chairman Nick Griffin described the conditions leading up to the election as a ‘Perfect Storm’, he was referring to the political climate at that moment in time. The MP’s expenses scandal had severely damaged the reputation of the parliamentary parties. UKIP and the BNP were outside the blast radius of the public’s anger. Our campaign slogan became ‘Punish the Pigs’, a theme which seemed to resonate with the public perception of MPs as greedy cash-hungry swine. Incidentally, it was a BNP official who blew the lid on the MP’s expenses scandal.
Without the expenses scandal and economic doom and gloom, I believe that party would still have taken 1 seat. Due to the fact that this was our largest, and most expensive, professional campaign we had ever waged. A campaign based on one simple and popular policy – total withdrawal. No renegotiation, no reform.
The media class retaliated during the campaign with an assault so ferocious that many of the electorate started to question their motives. The media drove people into our arms. It’s a bit like the Vatican announcing that a book is evil, its sales soar. We fully enjoyed our abuse at the hands of unpopular Labour politicians, their denouncements met with a common response: “he doesn’t want us to vote BNP, so I will vote BNP”. And almost 1 million people did.
We acknowledge that the conditions prior to the election were favourable, but the party managed to harvest votes through our own hard work.
Please Discuss :)
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